Sem título [Untitled], 2018
marcador permanente sobre couro cru
[permanent marker on raw leather]
[permanent marker on raw leather]
85 x 43 cm
[33 1/2 x 16 7/8 in]
[33 1/2 x 16 7/8 in]
“Os desenhos de Cabelo sugerem a fusão entre elementos pictóricos e poéticos, uma mistura explosiva em que letras se sobrepõem a imagens apenas esboçadas, pistas, indícios de histórias nunca desenvolvidas...
“Os desenhos de Cabelo sugerem a fusão entre elementos pictóricos e poéticos, uma mistura explosiva em que letras se sobrepõem a imagens apenas esboçadas, pistas, indícios de histórias nunca desenvolvidas plenamente. Artista culto, que não esconde suas fontes, porém avesso a todo tipo de catalogação, Cabelo é tanto poliédrico quanto vulcânico. Figuras afloram e desaparecem, fragmentos de frases se sucedem na tela sem a ambição de constituir um sentido completo ou coerente. Como em suas performances, o artista não dá ao espectador todas as chaves de leitura, mantém-no em suspenso, sempre um passo aquém da compreensão. A sua narração é uma sobreposição oracular e fragmentada de motivos e ideias. Como qualquer oráculo, inclusive, os desenhos de Cabelo precisam ser interpretados, e prestam-se a mil e uma leituras, todas diferentes e todas igualmente válidas. Mas o que realmente justifica a analogia, contudo, não é a existência de um significado recôndito, e sim a consideração de que os desenhos de Cabelo destinam-se, em primeiro lugar, aos iniciados..."
"Cabelo's drawings suggest the fusion between pictorial and poetic elements, an explosive mixture in which letters overlap with sketched images, clues and signs of stories never fully developed. A cult artist, who does not hide his sources, but averse to all types of cataloging, Cabelo is both polyhedral and volcanic. Figures emerge and disappear, fragments of phrases are repeated on the screen without the ambition to constitute a complete or coherent meaning. As in his performances, the artist does not give the viewer all the keys to reading, he keeps it suspended, always a step below understanding. His narration is an oracular and fragmented overlay of motives and ideas. Like any oracle, even the drawings of Cabelo need to be interpreted, and are suitable for a thousand readings, all different and all equally valid. But what really justifies the analogy, however, is not the existence of a hidden meaning, but the consideration that his drawings are intended, in the first place, for insiders…"
Jacopo Crivelli Visconti
"Cabelo's drawings suggest the fusion between pictorial and poetic elements, an explosive mixture in which letters overlap with sketched images, clues and signs of stories never fully developed. A cult artist, who does not hide his sources, but averse to all types of cataloging, Cabelo is both polyhedral and volcanic. Figures emerge and disappear, fragments of phrases are repeated on the screen without the ambition to constitute a complete or coherent meaning. As in his performances, the artist does not give the viewer all the keys to reading, he keeps it suspended, always a step below understanding. His narration is an oracular and fragmented overlay of motives and ideas. Like any oracle, even the drawings of Cabelo need to be interpreted, and are suitable for a thousand readings, all different and all equally valid. But what really justifies the analogy, however, is not the existence of a hidden meaning, but the consideration that his drawings are intended, in the first place, for insiders…"
Jacopo Crivelli Visconti