Renata Lucas
Tectônica doméstica, 2024
chapa de madeia compensada, chapa de mdf e laminado melamínico
[plywood sheet, mdf sheet and melamine laminate]
[plywood sheet, mdf sheet and melamine laminate]
89.5 x 56.5 x 4.5 cm
[35 1/4 x 22 1/4 x 1 3/4 in]
1.3 kg
[35 1/4 x 22 1/4 x 1 3/4 in]
1.3 kg
Copyright The Artist
Further images
Renata Lucas cria uma fisicalidade com o ambiente, intervindo no espaço. Concebendo a presença da obra, a artista assume a existência do espaço, que se configura na relação entre esses...
Renata Lucas cria uma fisicalidade com o ambiente, intervindo no espaço. Concebendo a presença da obra, a artista assume a existência do espaço, que se configura na relação entre esses dois elementos - objeto e local. Lucas gera um objeto que se apresenta a partir de diferentes percepções e sinuosidades, incorporando-se no ambiente. O objeto revela-se reto, dobrado e delicadamente intervido pela faca ao centro, que divide os dois planos da peça, criando uma fissura.
[Renata Lucas creates a physicality with the environment, intervening in space. By conceiving the presence of the work, the artist assumes the existence of the space, which is configured in the relationship between these two elements - object and place. Lucas generates an object that presents itself from different perceptions and sinuosities, incorporating itself into the environment. The object is straight, folded and delicately intervened by the knife in the center, which divides the two planes of the piece, creating a fissure.]
[Renata Lucas creates a physicality with the environment, intervening in space. By conceiving the presence of the work, the artist assumes the existence of the space, which is configured in the relationship between these two elements - object and place. Lucas generates an object that presents itself from different perceptions and sinuosities, incorporating itself into the environment. The object is straight, folded and delicately intervened by the knife in the center, which divides the two planes of the piece, creating a fissure.]