Mayara Velozo
Plan, 2021
costura sobre courvin e tecido
[sewing on leatherette and fabric]
[sewing on leatherette and fabric]
58 x 38 cm
[22 7/8 x 15 in]
[22 7/8 x 15 in]
Copyright O Artista
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Plan vem do prefixo que usamos para caracterizar tudo o que é plano, planaridade, planificação. A obra foi criada em meados de 2020, na casa da artista, na qual a...
Plan vem do prefixo que usamos para caracterizar tudo o que é plano, planaridade, planificação. A obra foi criada em meados de 2020, na casa da artista, na qual a mesma usava sua varanda - que era dividida com outros vizinhos - de ateliê. A pesquisa ‘’Co - Construções” se deu a partir de observações da casa e a relação das construções subjetivas e estruturais familiares da artista, usando a costura como forma intermediária de comunicação para esses fatores. Aprovada como proposta para a residência artística MAM + CAPACETE (2020), a produção de uma série de obras voltadas para estes tecidos, feitos de sobras e retalhos de antiga estofaria que a artista coletava com a sua mãe, tomou corpo. Com ela, nasceu ‘’Plan’, uma obra de maior parte courvin, courvin texturizado e suede liso. Formas planas e que se conectam por meio da costura respeitando seus cortes e medidas naturais de sobra.
"Plan" comes from the prefix we use to characterize everything that is a plane, has a planarity or flatness. The work was created in mid-2020, in the artist's house, where she used her balcony - which she shared with other neighbors - as a studio. The research ''Co - Construções'' was based on observations of the house and the relationship between the subjective and structural constructions of the artist's family, using sewing as an intermediate form of communication for these factors. Approved as a proposal for the artistic residency MAM + CAPACETE (2020), the production of a series of works focused on these fabrics, made from leftovers and scraps of old upholstery that the artist collected with her mother, took shape. With it, ‘’Plan’ was born, a work made of mostly leatherette, textured leatherette and smooth suede. Flat shapes that are connected by sewing, respecting their cuts and natural amounts of leftovers.
"Plan" comes from the prefix we use to characterize everything that is a plane, has a planarity or flatness. The work was created in mid-2020, in the artist's house, where she used her balcony - which she shared with other neighbors - as a studio. The research ''Co - Construções'' was based on observations of the house and the relationship between the subjective and structural constructions of the artist's family, using sewing as an intermediate form of communication for these factors. Approved as a proposal for the artistic residency MAM + CAPACETE (2020), the production of a series of works focused on these fabrics, made from leftovers and scraps of old upholstery that the artist collected with her mother, took shape. With it, ‘’Plan’ was born, a work made of mostly leatherette, textured leatherette and smooth suede. Flat shapes that are connected by sewing, respecting their cuts and natural amounts of leftovers.
Na galeria
A Trama da Terra que Treme | A Gentil Carioca - SP | São Paulo, Brasil | 2022 [21.05-11.06]20