Maria Laet
Sem título (Areia, Londres) [Untitled (Sand, London)], 2008
impressão a jato de tinta sobre papel de algodão
[inkjet print on cotton paper]
[inkjet print on cotton paper]
102 x 82 x 4 cm
[40 1/8 x 32 1/4 x 1 5/8 in]
[40 1/8 x 32 1/4 x 1 5/8 in]
Edition of 5 plus 2 artist's proofs
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Nas suas diferentes costuras, a linha que divide o espaço também define uma presença multiplicadora. Elas abrem uma outra superfície — ao mesmo tempo cerzida e cindida — que libera...
Nas suas diferentes costuras, a linha que divide o espaço também define uma presença multiplicadora. Elas abrem uma outra superfície — ao mesmo tempo cerzida e cindida — que libera nosso limite móvel entre um dentro e um fora da existência. A linha costurada rasura nossos limites entre alto e baixo, entre sobre e sub, entre a vida e a morte. Como se o ato de atar o solo atasse, também, planos de existência. Nessa operação, costurar os espaços em que pisamos faz com que eles se tornem expostos. Entre a linha que costura e a linha que forma o horizonte infinito do chão, se instala a espiral metafísica entre mundos. — Frederico Coelho, 2018. Texto para o livro “Poro”, publicado pela editora Cobogó.
In its different weavings, the line that divides space also defines a multiplying presence. They open up another surface — at once mended and torn — that releases our moving boundary between an inside and an outside of existence. The stitched line erases our boundaries between high and low, between over and under, between life and death. It is as if the act of binding the ground also bound planes of existence. In this operation, sewing the spaces we step on makes them become exposed. Between the line that sews and the one that forms the ground's infinite horizon, the metaphysical spiral between worlds settles in. — Frederico Coelho, 2018. Text for the book “Poro”, published by Cobogó.
In its different weavings, the line that divides space also defines a multiplying presence. They open up another surface — at once mended and torn — that releases our moving boundary between an inside and an outside of existence. The stitched line erases our boundaries between high and low, between over and under, between life and death. It is as if the act of binding the ground also bound planes of existence. In this operation, sewing the spaces we step on makes them become exposed. Between the line that sews and the one that forms the ground's infinite horizon, the metaphysical spiral between worlds settles in. — Frederico Coelho, 2018. Text for the book “Poro”, published by Cobogó.